8th April 2023 – Sacred Activism, the Spirits and Me

Run by Shenoah on Zoom

Information circulated
With the daily reports of local areas and wildlife being threatened, climate crises, near extinctions and disasters it is easy to become overwhelmed.  Each of us can have a part to play in bringing balance but it is sometimes difficult to know what it is it most important for us to pay attention to and what exactly we can do.  At this meeting we will work with our spirits and in ceremony to explore how we can make a difference in the world in a way that nourishes inspires and expands our awareness.

1st journey – personal journey – free style drum journey
Going on a journey to ask my spirits how they understand sacred activism and how I can best approach it

2nd journey – personal journey – acted out journey
If you know of a local or bigger issue that calls to you
Going on a journey to ask my spirits what is my part in defending / supporting / working with / advocating for …..

If you don’t now of a local or bigger issue that calls to you
Going on a journey to ask my spirits to be shown an issue I can support and to ask what is my part in defending / supporting / working with / advocating for …..

Third Journey – paired work
Ask the spirits for a blessing for the work (insert partners name) was shown
swap over

4th journey – group ceremony
Everyone in the group sending power using song / rattle / drum etc to the area they are working with

End with song
Earth, please make me a sanctuary 
Pure and holy, tried and true
And with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living
Sanctuary for you